Mom Support Group
If you are looking for a community of other moms in the life season you are in and support to guide you during pregnancy and parenting, I have a few offerings for you
Intentionally Plan Your Postpartum Transition
I present you with a series of pre-recorded workshops that will help you prepare for the first months after childbirth. What your self-care can look like, who can be a part o your village, and what your newborn baby and you REALLY need.
In my workshops I cover such themes as:
Transitioning to Motherhood
Planning Community-supported Postpartum
Psychology of Newborn Care

Pregnancy Dialogues: a Prenatal Support Group
This is nurturing environment for expecting parents to connect, share experiences, and gain valuable knowledge from dialoguing together. Prenatal Dialogues help parents take a pause and connect with the baby. You will be in a nurturing community, exploring the psychology and development of your yet unborn child. By understanding your role and impact on creating the environment for your baby, you will learn how you can already connect, support and parent your child prenatally.

Well-being After Birth Guide and a Planning Session
Do you want to prepare for the first few days after your child's birth? What do you envision your first weeks as a mother will look like?
Join this workshop which will help guide you to lay a strong foundation for the most transformative time in your life.

Transitioning to Motherhood
What if we can see childbirth as the Call on the Journey? Can you see your matrescence as the Heroine's Journey where you redeem and reconcile the feminine and masculine split?
Here is an invitation for you to see the time after the birth of your child as a deeply spiritual experience experience.
Parenting made easier